Tuesday, June 26, 2012

2nd Grade Writing

I wish I had made a copy of this writing Work Sample a student in my class wrote. He has such a great voice in writing, and his writing is always hilarious! I took a picture of part of his writing, but wish I had the whole story to share. The writing prompt was to write about what makes one animal special. He wrote about 3 different animals: birds, snails and "spiters". Here is verbatim what he wrote about snails: "A snall can moov like a slow frog, iksept that it is a snall not a frog. It uses its boogers to moov. Yuck!" When writing about "spiters" he said that spiders catch their dinner in their webs, and that is gross, but its dinner for the spider, so "Yay for the spiter!" Every time I read that, I just laugh so hard! Love it! ~Ms. J

Monday, June 18, 2012

Unemployed.... Again!

I'm unemployed again! And I'm really happy about it! This school year was crazy, and I'm glad to be out for a breather!

This summer, I am tutoring, teaching a 5 year old how to read, and helping a friend who is pregnant with twins out with the summer program she runs!

Plus, it's vacay time - which means I am outta here for a few days in July. Woot woot!

And I'm applying for several jobs - some of which are in OCSD, which is by far my favorite school district. I hope I get a job there someday!


Thursday, June 14, 2012

Last day!

Today was the last day of school. It was a very weird day. We did some writing, and reading, then set out for a party. I misjudged time (majorly) and ended the party fifteen minutes earlier than I should have. So we ended up playing Silent Ball (their fave) for the last few minutes.

I said goodbyes, and cried a little. They cried a little. There were lots of hugs. And then they left.

I'm still amazed it's over. 6 weeks ago, I walked into the room thinking 6 weeks was a long time, and that we would get a lot done. I left today wishing I had had more time with them... And yet at the same time, so happy it was the last day, and way proud of what we accomplished.

Here are a few things we accomplished:

- our quiet record was 24 minutes, 46 seconds. That's working silently, no talking, etc.
- walking in the halls (ok, simple skill, but they needed a lot of work on that)
- classroom compliments (when other staff members would compliment them): 38
- speeches. They all wrote a speech and gave it.
- behavior improved
- we logged almost 150 hours on IXL (a math practice website) - that includes class time and at home

We have a teacher work day tomorrow. I'll go in, finish up report cards, etc, and then turn my keys in. I'll miss it there...

And now I'm going home and going to bed. I am sooo tired!

- Ms. J

Tuesday, June 5, 2012


7 days of school left!

Report cards!
Placement stuff!
End of the year party!
I can't take it! I am so tired, and I have a million things to do and grade and take care of...

Summer cannot get here fast enough