Tuesday, September 4, 2012

What's in the bag?

A sub bag is an essential part of being a successful sub. While most of the stuff may not be used all the time, it's helpful to have these things on hand, just in case.

Here is a pictorial guide to what I deem important enough to put in the bag. Usually the bag stays in the car and I simply take the bare necessities, but the bag is there in case I need it!
The bag lives in the car, by the way. It's important for those last minute calls.

What's in the bag!

A fun logical thinking test. I like to pull it out for classes that I really enjoy, when we have a few spare minutes. I usually tell them that they cannot go on to the next grade if they don't get 100% - you'd be amazed at how many kids believe me!

Colored dot stickers. I am thinking they will be fun for creating groups or teams.

Granola bars. Necessary for those mornings when I get a call and run out of the house without time to eat breakfast or pack a lunch (the doctor says I need to stop skipping meals!)

Angry Birds coloring pages. I don't foresee any opportunities to use these, but ya never know!

The absolute most important thing in the bag - this goes everywhere with me! Miss Nelson is Missing is the book I read to every class K-5 the first time I have them. It is a great way to establish myself as an authority figure. I read it, then tell the kids "I can be a teacher like Miss Nelson (nice), or a teacher like Ms. Swamp (mean). It's up to you."

Stickers are another must-have, when subbing K-3. Such a good incentive!

Thumb drives with lesson plans and activities, just in case there are no lesson plans.

Sticki-notes. Useful for exit slips, notes, etc.

My special/favorite pens - PaperMate Flairs - and my "cool" pen - very popular with the littles.

My middle school/half day behavior plan - if I catch someone with good behavior, I give them a ticket. At the end of the period (or our time together), we have a drawing for a piece of candy.
Of course, there are a couple things not shown, such as candy, my iPad, and a camera! And I always have business cards ready to hand out and leave with teachers!

And there I am - ready for a new school year!


  1. Wow, very cool!

    LOL I love how you threaten the kids!!! - "I can be a teacher like Miss Nelson (nice), or a teacher like Ms. Swamp (mean). It's up to you."

    That book was so good back in the day! I don't remember how many times we were read that on the very first day of school! Now I understand the purpose!

  2. What a good sub you are!! I need to take lessons from you.
